New Hadley Office Accredited!

Sunrise Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc. is pleased to announce that our new office at 220 Russell St., Suite 200A, Hadley, MA 01035 is now fully accredited for Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Post-Mastectomy Products by ABC (The American Board for Certification in...

Diabetic Shoe/Insole Service Discontinuation

Sunrise Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc will be suspending its diabetic/therapeutic shoe and insole services July 1, 2021.  This is not a decision we take lightly, as we are well-aware of the need for these services in our area. We have attempted to hire an...

Custom Molded Shoes Discontinued

We are sorry to have to inform our patients of this, but we will no longer be providing custom-molded shoes. We are however, still doing Extra-depth and large-width shoes and custom and stock insoles, and can accomodate most foot deformities with those.

Volunteer Trip to Prótesis Imbabura in Ecuador

I just returned from an amazing one week stay in Ibarra, Ecuador where I was volunteering at Prótesis Imbabura. The level of need there is high but the availability of services very low, so it was a challenging, yet very rewarding, experience! I am humbled by the...

Sensation on the way!

Free Evaluations!

Are you wondering if it’s time for a new brace or prosthesis? Does your current system not seem to be working as well as it once did? Our Certified Prosthetist/Orthotist does FREE evaluations! We can give recommendations to you or your doctor to address any...