Custom Molded Shoes Discontinued

We are sorry to have to inform our patients of this, but we will no longer be providing custom-molded shoes. We are however, still doing Extra-depth and large-width shoes and custom and stock insoles, and can accomodate most foot deformities with those.

Volunteer Trip to Prótesis Imbabura in Ecuador

I just returned from an amazing one week stay in Ibarra, Ecuador where I was volunteering at Prótesis Imbabura. The level of need there is high but the availability of services very low, so it was a challenging, yet very rewarding, experience! I am humbled by the...

Sensation on the way!

Free Evaluations!

Are you wondering if it’s time for a new brace or prosthesis? Does your current system not seem to be working as well as it once did? Our Certified Prosthetist/Orthotist does FREE evaluations! We can give recommendations to you or your doctor to address any...